School Governing Body

Thuthukani Special School’s Governing Body is elected every three years as per Section 24 of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. The SGB consists of the School’s Principal, elected members (parents, teachers, therapists, support staff and members of the community) and members co-opted to allow the SGB to perform its functions, bearing in mind that Thuthukani is a school for learners with severe to profound intellectual disability. The SGB stands in a position of trust to the school.

Office Bearers of the SGB:


Chairperson                           Deputy Chair                       Treasurer                             Principal                             Secretary                                                   Ms R Buthelezi                      Mr L Singh                           Mr W Wessels                    Mrs M Combrinck             Mrs T Swan

The SGB has the following objective and aims for Thuthukani Special School:

The school’s main objective is to prepare learners with severe to profound intellectual disability for absorption into the community and employment market or sheltered workshops by utilising a current, differentiated educational program and presenting other relevant programmes and opportunities to the learners.

The school’s secondary objectives are to promote the learners’:

  1. Language, Mathematics, Life Skills and Elected Practical Skills, Knowledge, Values and Abilities as per the National Curriculum Statement (As adapted in the CAPS Gr R to 5 for learners with Severe Intellectual Disability and LSPID);
  2. Understanding and Adoption of Good Values;
  3. Independent self-care;
  4. Effective communication;
  5. Perceptual and Motor Skills;
  6. Emotional stability;
  7. Self-esteem;
  8. Worthiness and pride;
  9. Awareness and Respect for the Environment
  10. Knowledge of God and appreciation of His creation.


Thuthukani Special School is a Section 21 school as described by the South African Schools Act of 1996, which means that the financial management of the school lies with the School Governing Body.
All subsidies, donations, school fees, and other income is managed by the SGB Financial Committee and reported on to the SGB. The budget for each year is approved by the parents at an annual general meeting.
We have appointed Hills and Associates Inc. as our auditors, and we have only received clean audits from them. We can send a copy of our latest Audited Financial Statement, should you request one.

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