Thuthukani Special School has been recognized as a Health Promoting School by the Department of Health and Department of Education. The process involved inspections of our food handling areas, bathrooms and sanitation, policy development etc. We are proud to be the first Special School in KZN to be afforded this honour. We were given a final score of 98.6% during this assessment.
Thuthukani employs a Professional Nurse who ensures that we maintain this level of health promotion in our school. In addition, she looks after the basic healthcare needs of the learners. Learners who need to take medication during school hours are referred to her, and she ensures that the correct medication and dosage is issued to each child. She also assists our girls with contraception and managing their menses. She educates our learners in basic first aid, self-care and knowledge about diseases that affect their lives.
Our Nurse assists learners and their families to access care dependency grants and disability grants and she is there to attend to any medical crises.